I had a burning throat and felt hot this morning, so I measured the body temperature, and mine was 38.3 degrees. I felt a pain in the back, the lower part of my back and the head. I thought is it by any chance influenza? So I was absent from school. I had a required subject today, Thursday, so it's a matter of regret that I couldn't go to school today. I went to hospital, where I got tested for the flu., and as a result of the test I didn't have the flu. I just seemed to have a cold. It's said that we feel in our joints if we have the flu., isn't it? Because of that I had expected that I had the flu. certainly, but thinking it over carefully afterwards, I realized that the cause of muscular pain was that I had did double-booking of watching 2 movies yesterday. I'll go to school tomorrow definitely! Also of course I'll go there the day after tomorrow because I must take a makeup lesson and a speaking test. I feel too lazy to go to school Saturday.
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Romeo and Juliet
16 年前
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