
BR 1-14: Wendy Worm's Adventure

One day, there was a very big storm. I was frightened to read this story. The wind blew all the leaves away. I want to pick them up. The wind blew all the flowers away. I wanted to see the storm of falling flowers. The wind blew the bird's nest away. I was sorry to think birds. The wind blew Wendy Worm away, too. I wanted to see the worm flying in the sky.

The storm was all over. I felt easy. The wind went away, but Wendy Worm knew she was lost. I would cry if I were you. Wendy Worm looked up. I recognized the worm was she. A crab appeared. I wanted to crab's dishes, he-he.

That was too bad not to be able to go home. I wondered if she was on the beach, her body would probably be dry. Please give the worm someone's help! But Wendy Worm could not go home because she was lost. She did not know the way home. If I were the worm, I couldn't have gone home at all. For I'm unbelievably hopeless when it comes to knowing directions.

Wendy Worm was on a stone and a big wind came and blew her away. It blew her over all the trees. It blew her over all the houses. It blew her here. Flying worm sounded interesting to me.

She had to go home. I already knew it. She could not stay here. If she stayed here, a big bird would eat her up. Big birds liked worms. I got to be frightened so much.

There were big birds where the crab lived, too, but she could not go under the ground. She could get away from big birds under the ground. It was kind of the crab to tell the good way to hide from enemies. The crab would take her to the ground. How? The crab took Wendy Worm over the sand to the ground. I wanted to experience a hot sand bath.

Wendy Worm appreciated the crab as she went under the ground. It's important to appreciate. Wendy Worm had to find her way home. I thought it was hard to find her way home under the ground. This was a good new home for a lost little worm. I thought what was Wanda Worm. She could stay in this home with a boyfriend. That was she found male worm.

Wendy Worm stayed with Wanda Worm. It was very good, and she stayed under the ground! I nodded in understanding.

[424 words]

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