
The strange atmosphere (*-*;)

I worked hard at training after school today. I usual do with my boyfriend but we were not on speaking terms at the moment so I did alone today. There was no point in training by myself.

Any way, it was so strange weather that I faced a difficult situation. A strong wind, rain and sun shine swept over me. Because of this I had my hair blown to be untidy so I went home to avoid being seen.

It was really strange atmosphere today.


It is uncomfortable weather (-_-;)

It was now raining and now shining today so today's weather was very strange.

The second period was gymnastics. I worked hard at training in the training room. I pedaled a bicycle so hard that beads of sweat broke out on my brow. And what was worse, there was not a breath of wind and the air was very lukewarm there. I came within an inch of a fall down but I tried.

Lunch I had later was very delicious (^□^#)

The bad day

This is a story about yesterday.

I left my cellphone in my home today (―□―;) I was very shocked because I couldn't act in contact at all with friends of mine. What's more I had circle activities today but I couldn't know what to do, when to start and where to go.

Because of this I decided not to take a share in today's activity after all.

Today I felt so unwell from early in the morning. Be careful everyone too!!


Discuss (*^ v^)/"

I'm sorry to type at a too late hour.

On June 26 Our group members Yuki Yamamoto, Saori Tsunoda and I discussed our country Freedonia at four in the afternoon for thirty minutes in the library at this school.

Our country named Freedonia faces the Pacific Ocean so a lot of people here have sea horses for pets. The capital of Freedonia is Freedamia and it has a population of 1,000,000. The climate here is tropics. Freedonia is famous for a sea horse and the food called rice boiled in a turtle's upper shell. And the famous river is Frozen river which is 8,000 kilometers long. It is the longest river in the world, shaped just like a spiral, always frozen, and the aurora is visible. The famous mountain is Mt. Rainbow which is 7,000 meters above sea level. A rainbow is always spanning in it. Then there are the famous places here. One is a place called Pondenia. There is a crop circle in the place and a rumor is going around that UFOs and aliens sometimes appear here.

Up to this point and we'll discuss again.


Today's class

The topic was fashion at the class today. I memorized the words"attractive"and "bald". Then I learned a phrase"a man with a pierced ear" and I found that one of my classmates liked second-hand or recycled cloths.

Next we made groups to discuss our original countries. Our group members named our country Freedonia. We'll talk about characteristic of Freedonia some other day.

See you again!!



It is hot today! And it is a humid weather today!
Let's enjoy hot summer and overcome this heat together!!

See you again☆
